Minggu, 01 November 2015

How much is too much?

Sometimes we just want to be everyone darlings, are we not?

We want to be accepted
We want to stay as good as possible
We want to be perfect

In order to be loved by everyone, we often forgot,

We often forgot that we are just as tiny as a little dust in this galaxy.

We oven search for perfections while imperfections are normal and that is just, being human.

We made mistakes
We made errors
We took the wrong turns

And just remember;
We can not please everybody
There will be that one person who will dislike you (I don't want to use the word "hate", that's too harsh) but what I'm saying is true.

No matter what you have done, whether is good or bad, there will always a person who dislike you or doesn't care about you.

And that's normal.
That's being human.

Question is, will you start being human to yourself?
Will you going on yourself a little bit easy?

Life is indeed precious and what I learned from this social media era is, the freedom of speech is way too much.

Too much that it is okay for us to please everyone while in the inside we are hurting.
Too much that it is normal for us to bully people, judge them, eventhough we barely know the truth.

But how much is too much
When the too much is being a burden to us, will that be okay for us to stay in order to be "accepted"?

Just my two cents 💔

Senin, 19 Oktober 2015

Breastfeeding momma!

Talking about another blessings, Im so blessed that God allows me to produce enough milk for my baby.

But that process was never an easy peasy process, well as for me. 

My newborn baby, he was so small!

There are so many moms out there, knowing that I still breastfeed my son at 15months, were amazed and asking me, how to produce enough milk for him? 

Well be prepared to have such a rollercoaster breastfeeding journey Im about to share now.

I don't have a lot of milk that some of the women have. So that you could store up the milk in the freezer, I dont have milk that much.

My son was not able to latch on me properly until he was 2,5months, that means during the first 2,5 months my nipples were cracking, I was so much in pain seeing him unable to latch on me and I have to squeeze my breast so that the milk will go straight into his mouth, days and night, for 2,5 months.

During the "crazy" breastfeeding process 😂

There are times I have to pump because the milk made my breast gorging, and it was so painful because my son couldn't suck it and it got stucked in my breast, but when I pumped it out, my milk was all pink because of my cracked and bleeding nipples.

Not to mention when the growth spurt moment came (will share about the growth spurt in details in another post), my son will ask for nursing soooo oftenly. It could be anytime; daytime, nighttime, or even late at night. And he will nurse, and nurse, and poo, and pee, and vomit, and doing the same cycle over and over again. No sleeping (or eating) time for me. 😂

I'm a Milk Monsta!😂

And after 2,5months, Im finally able to cope with his "no-timetable" nursing time, and finally he was able to nurse and latch on me properly. I was so happy! Until another problem came, the teething and biting time! Everytime the teething time began, he will bite, literally bite my nipple until it cracked (again) and swollen 😂 but I'm already getting the hang of it so it's fine 😂

Yeah son, you better bite on that cot, not on mom's nipple!😩

And before I knew, I already breastfeed him for 15months and I think I will be doing this for like, hopefully until 2 years or so.

A tips for me for a successful breastfeeding journey:
1. Commitment
Breastfeeding requires time and commitment. It is time consuming and without any commitment, you may kill your child, lol. Im being serious here. Your baby will nurse, and pee, and poo during growth spurt time and you may not get enough rest, and by breastfeeding means you will not have a free time because the milk is in you. 

So whenever your baby needs you, you gotta be around. I stick with my son like whenever he needs me, my breasts are always ready! It's like having a 24hours fastfood buffet around 😂

PS: NEVER TRUST IN BREASTPUMP! sometimes at daytime I only able to pump "just" 80ml both sides but when I let my son latch on me himself, he wet his nappies a lot a lot and a lot and there's no sign of dehydration and he is weighing a lot so I assume my breastmilk is enough for him.

My son's face while sleeping, the sign of getting enough "Mamamilk😂"

2. Food Allergies?
If your baby is prone to allergy or very sensitive, you may have to cancel on eating the food you love as it may cause uneasy process in the baby skin or stomacth, a.e seafood or nuts produce, but the good news is, the allergies will getting better the older your babies are. And to those allergy babies, breastmilk are still way better for them. I will explain about this things in detail later on.

3. Supportive People
In order to have a successful breastfeeding process, you have to rely on support from your husband, parents, families, friends and as for me, MR.GOOGLE. Is my bestfriend lol😂
Because I grow up in a family that known a little information about the breastfeeding things. My husband and my parents, even my in laws are oftenly asking me on giving up in breastfeeding and just formula-fed my son.
Thank God I didnot give up, because God knows how much money I have spent until now If I gave up breastfeeding then 😂.

So if you feel uncertain about something you can just ask the one that you know that they know about breastfeeding, or calling the Lactation Hospital Support like  these:
Or you can just click here for more details : 

And nowadays there are so many support groups online that you can find such as; 

4. Have Faith in your Breast lol
You will find many people and web telling you to eat a lot of food, avoiding certain foods, and be happy and stress free in order to produce lost of milk.

Well, I kinda opposed to that because I had a babyblues on my first month, on the confinement period. I cried and cried everyday. I was not ready of the breastfeeding and feeling helpless because no one knows about it in details yet the milk still came lol. So it's totally bullsh*t for saying that producing breastmilk should take a hard process.

I forgot where I read the news but the women in a poor country, even they barely eat, they can still produce breastmilk for their babies. So no whining start trying lol.

Long story short, there was never an easy peasy process that will develop such great ending. You have to try and fall and try and fall and try again to get up. Breastfeeding requires your tears, and pains and all the dramas but believe me, at 15months, my son is able to latch on me while smiling and hugging me and looking at me tenderly and I realized that I did not make the wrong choice.

Again, breastfeeding is a choice. Is not something that make me a better mom for breastfeeding my son, No. I'm sharing my experienced and opinions, and if it doesn't fit your story and your life then it's okay. If you can't breastfeed your child it's also okay. Most importantly, never give up in trying and giving the best to our child, no matter what

Me, my husband and my son were celebrating our wedding anniversary just a while ago

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2015

I guess this is comeback?

After such a long time no blogging, I guess it's safe for me to say that this is a comeback. Im acting all mighty I know 😂

And knowing that my last post is on 26th April 2013, things have gone way far in my life.

I still remember back then, I wrote a post about whether I should or should not having a baby, and now I'm blessed enough to have a baby on my own.

Say hello to Francis Exton Ozora !!❤️

He is 15months by now, healthy and happy and turning my whole world literally upside down by every bit of his actions 😂

And hopefully this post will lead to many post from now ❤️


Catch ya later!❤️